WWW audit

The Web Audit goal is to review and evaluate

  • How the corporate WWW service supports business and marketing goals and objectives

  • Competitiveness of the WWW service

  • Perception / image of the WWW service among the Internet population

The Web audit not only reviews the WWW service itself but considers a complex approach to online marketing on the Internet in the organization.

Steps to be taken in the Web Audit project

  1. Interview with management and Marketing & Informatics Dpt. representatives

  2. WWW service description and introductory materials analysis

  3. Analysis of competitors on the Internet

  4. 3-6 hours workshop with the Client and agreement on weighting.

  5. Analysis and evaluation of the WWW service according to the DirectNet methodology

  6. Image evaluation by user pattern selected from the target group (not obligatory)

  7. Completion of the final report

Steps 3 and 4 can be omitted at the client´s request.

Criteria for evaluating a WWW service


Information content amount

Information content up-to-date level

Information content uniqueness

Graphic design

Access speed

User comfort, navigation, hypermedia objects structure
Overall feeling and originality
Interactivity and database support
Visitor support, feedback to them

Security framework (where appropriate)

Payment framework (where appropriate)

The weightings are set individually for each of WWW services on the basis of an online marketing audit and WWW service business goals (discussed together with the Client). The WWW audit also includes text with recommendations.

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